Alla fine del mese di aprile il team creativo di Nora V si è spostato a Villa Erba a Cernobbio, per lavorare in fiera a Proposte Fair, diventata nei suoi 30 anni di esistenza il punto di riferiment...

Care instructions for washed linen
Linen is a rigid fiber: when you theink of the trousseau of our grandmothers, you'll remember how scratchy it could get, and how hard it was to iron it! Not anymore. Nora V uses only the best...

The linen we use for our linen is very light, it has undergone a specific washing and drying process during manufacturing to make it softer to the touch. The appearance is relaxed wrinkling, to all...

The maintenance label, which by law has to be attached to every textile item we buy, explains how to wash, iron and dry it, to clean it and preserve it over time in the best possible way. Let's tak...

Read the composition and care labels first
All Nora V. home linens come with a composition and care label.

Our cotton cloth has a beautiful sheen, a luxurious look and is ultra soft to the touch. This is because is made with fine combed cotton fibers with a satin weave and a 300 TC (thread-count), indic...